In contrast to the previous Call of Duty that made ​​us follow 2 or 3 or more characters at the same time, the campaign will follow a single, Mitchell, so that the player has a greater attachment with him. This technique has been used only once in the series with the Big Red One . The story of the game thus follow the path of Mitchell decade spread over 15 missions 1 . Unlike previous games, there will be no "brief / debrief" as an introduction to the mission of the game but only kinematic (designed CGI or precalculated Three Dimensional Computer Graphics ) average employee in a similar way in Call of Duty 3 . The character Mitchell will speak elsewhere that during these cinematics but not during missions to make the most immersive Action 2 . Sledgehammer Games is thus placed halfway between Treyarch and Infinity Ward , the first preferring a character can speak throughout the game and interact with other characters as saying that the latter prefers a completely silent character to improve its assimilation near the player.
Sledgehammer Games has done a significant amount of research on technological advances that are or could be used for military purposes, and we found an arsenal of weapons from a variety of weapons that can print in three dimensions and continuously their own ammunition , the directed energy weapons , grenades all-in-one, etc. But the main innovation brought to the game is the exoskeleton (or EXO) which gives a vertical aspect to the gameplay of the game. EXO allows the player to jump higher, have more strength, cushion falls with a rocket pack, etc. At the end of each level, the player unlocks points following the completion of level and these points can be used on a "skill tree" to improve the entire EXO throughout the country 3 .
As a bonus, the developers have placed several pieces of information across the country to provide more information about the characters, the game world, etc 1 . The campaign will also allow players to unlock Supply Drop usable in the multiplayer of the game.
The multiplayer Advanced Warfare borrows much of multiplayer Call of Duty: Black Ops II . Michael Condrey, co-founder of Sledgehammer Games, admitting himself that the multiplayer it was all the series' multiplayer experience his favorite " 4 . Indeed, the game resumes the system Pick 10 (10 points system giving the player to create his class, each item costing one point) introduced in Black Ops II and renamed 13 Pick- allocating this time 13 points. Players can distribute these points according to what they have in their class; as a primary weapon, a secondary weapon, each of the two enjoying accessories, benefits, bonuses, etc ...
This is not the only feature borrowed from the studio opus Treyarch , the Scorestreak back in this game. As their name suggests, they are obtained thanks to the bonus scores marked by players, each elimination, each support, each objective lens capture defense, etc ... gives a score to the player who accumulated it possible to obtain substantial bonus. In the case of Black Ops II , all actions taken in connection with the defense or target reported a higher score to a simple elimination of enemies in order to encourage players to participate in modes goals. Several new features make all time their apparitions, Scorestreak are now customizable, Sledgehammer wanting to make a deep personalization on all of its multiplayer. Indeed, it is possible to improve or modify some of their features in exchange for an increase in the score required to get them. This system allows, however, get several bonuses at the same time if the player has given the same score to each of his bonus. The second novelty is that some of these Scorestreak be used in cooperation, a player with, for example, a helicopter and fly it but will also eliminate the enemy soldiers and a teammate can join, for example, mark targets or use a secondary armament.
A new class of weapons appeared, called in its original Heavy Weapon , this class includes directed energy weapons or even more conventional heavy weapons such as machine guns. New weapons like guns three-dimensional printing their own ammunition or more "traditional" weapons of the series Call of Duty will be present in the multiplayer Advanced Warfare 5 .
A new feature was introduced during the creation of class, the Virtual Firing Range this stand allows players provisional shot before or during parties to use and observe all the weapons and their operation against targets in order to be perfectly happy with the class created.
One of the main themes of the game is the exoskeleton and all the multiplayer revolves around this new element of gameplay that brings a whole new dimension of verticality. Indeed, new moves were created specifically for use with the so-called EXO. In addition to the standard jump present in all Call of Duty , jump higher and longer present, named Boost Jump , jump it can reach heights that could not be achieved in previous games. The Boost Dodge evades any threat by shifting to the right or the left or even to jump back. The Boost Dash is the equivalent of Dodge but when the player is in the air, allowing him this time if speed forward. The Boost slide reminds slip available in the album Call of Duty: Ghosts and finally Slam Boost that allows overwriting or strike an opponent on the ground when the player is in the air. The EXO also allows you to perform powerful attacks mixed without the use of a knife as was the case in previous games since Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare . Despite all these developments, and to meet all the players, Sledgehammer Games has also added a "traditional" playlist, called Classic , disabling all new gameplay elements related to EXO to find a style of play near the previous opus 6 .
A new feature has also been introduced, the EXO Ability . These capabilities allow for example to run faster, have more life, to be silent, to have a shield, float, etc ... but only for a few seconds. Once fully utilized capacity, rechargeable is not only a resurgence after elimination in the party will reuse. It is quite possible to have more capacity on the number of points still available when creating a class. Players still have the option of using all different grenades throughout the game but the distinction is that they will be launched directly from the EXO, and this function is called EXO Launcher .
Another feature introduced with Advanced Warfare is the Supply Drop . This feature allows the player when successful challenges or following his playing time to get bonuses such as Scorestreak used only once, variants of weapons (over 350 in total seven to ten per weapon) and customization elements. The latter two categories are spread over three levels of rarity: Enlisted , Professional and Elite , the first being the most common to get and the third most rare. These elements, once released, are moved to a menu called "Armory" and remains there permanently. The player can take advantage of a rare variant of a weapon he cherished items or unusual customization. Variants of weapons are characterized by a different name, a different camouflage and characteristics of different weapons compared to the basic weapon, these variants can sometimes have a non-removable accessory.
Customization was really highlighted by Sledgehammer Games since the announcement of the game. The personalization of the soldier introduced in Ghosts possible to create a soldier among 20,000 different combinations. In Advanced Warfare is more than 2 billion combinations 7 that are present in the game with the system Creat-An-Operator (echoing Creat-A-Class since the first Modern Warfare and Create-A-Soldier of Ghosts ) . We can change sex (During an interview with Polygon , the two founders of the studio said that women will be represented in the multiplayer game as was the case for Ghosts 8 ), skin color and everything to do the aesthetics of the plastron simple boots through the head covering, the exoskeleton or gloves. The editor emblems introduced by Treyarch in episodes Black Ops is also back nine . Players create their own visible emblem of all and can place it on their exoskeleton.
The game will contain 13 cards to its output in its basic version. The Season Pass though and collector editions (ATLAS and ATLAS Pro) game have an extra card called "ATLAS Gorge" is a remake of the "Pipeline" card of the first Modern Warfare , it is the only remake of the 14 cards in the game after its release. Some of these cards have an event called "dynamic" (appeared for the first time in Black Ops II but actually highlighted in Ghosts ), among these some have an event that is always repeated in the same way and at the same time each party, others depend on the events that bonus obtained by the players, and some have both, and finally some have none.
The multiplayer consists of 12 game modes (13 modes against the advertised 10 ). There are the classic Team Deathmatch , Search and Destroy , Domination , Free For All or Capture the Flag . The return of the fashion Hardpoint of Black Ops II appreciated by casual gamers as well as professional mode Gun Game introduced in Call of Duty: Black Ops where players were getting a new weapon in each elimination. Modes Kill Confirmed and Infected introduced in Modern Warfare 3 and mode Search and Rescue introduced by Infinity Ward in Ghosts . Modes TDM , SnD , KC and HP are also available in a playlist called Hardcore . Playlists Hardcore and Classic are also limited 11 in four game modes.
Two new modes are also present mode Momentum which uses the principle of how War of Call of Duty 3: Moving towards Paris and Call of Duty: World at War . This mode pits two teams that should take 5 flags on the card, plus the number of flags captured, the greater the number of points won increases, the team with the most points wins the game. The particularity of the method is that more team opponent eliminates over decision flag is rapid, with a first stage taking 2 times faster and the final level "Momentum" with 3 times faster decision before returning the lower level.
The mode Uplink between two teams and is catching a drone placed randomly on the map and bring it into the opponent. Just launch the drone in the area or opponent to throw in order to score points, the last solution yielding a greater number of points. The wearer of the drone lost its weapons but has an extra armor from a strategic point of view, send the drone to an opponent and then remove it rises like a good tactic.
A way of introducing multiplayer game consists of bots is now called Combat Readiness Program 12 . This mode allows players to compete against teams beginner bots alone or with other players in different game modes available in this game. As an introduction to the multiplayer, some features of it have been removed such as Killcam emblematic of the series Call of Duty since its inception, the scoreboards endgame and chat audio, there is also no changes in rank or any experience. The method, however, offers as of Scorestreak so players can practice before getting into the online multiplayer.
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