Medal of Honor 4 Compressed PC Game Free Download 1.97GB
Medal of Honor 4 PC Game Free Download
Medal of Honor is a video game first-person shooter series game Medal of Honor , developed by EA Los Angeles and DICE platforms for Windows , Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 and released on October 12, 2010. 2 3 4 This game marks a reboot in the series, with a new scenario in Afghanistan contemporary. His campaign a player uses an extensively modified version of the game engine Unreal Engine 3 , while mode multiplayer engine uses the Frostbite Engine . 1 is believed to Medal of Honor had dedicated servers, as suggested by Sean Decker, General Manager Electronic Arts, a magazine article Atomic PC . 5 A Medal of Honor book written by Chris Ryan is set to be released on January 1, 2011. Although the book was released with the limited edition package in HMV.
The campaign of Medal of Honor single player uses a heavy-modified version of Unreal Engine 3 and the multiplayer uses the Frostbite Engine . The game uses dedicated for consoles and PC servers. However, the server files were not made ​​public and are only available through specific GSP. It is the first game in the series of Medal of Honor to receiving an ESRB rating of M.
A team of SEAL Team Six ( DEVGRU ), called Neptune , composed of operators Mother, Preacher, Voodoo and Rabbit are sent to meet with an Afghan informant named Tariq, ready to serve documents intelligence of importance relevant.
Despite assurances by the forces loyal to Tariq who claim that the village in which it is passing is safe, the two cars can be found in the four Neptune are attacked by Chechen forces; having escaped the ambush of the Neptune conquer an enemy fortress, taking safe and Tariq, questioning him about the incident, the informant will justify himself by saying that he was forced to betray them and in the valley of Shah-i-Kot came five enemies . The second mission is to support the troops of Neptune Tariq in the fighting against the Taliban, and take over the Bagram Airfield . After making sure the control tower, Neptune will use the SOFLAM ( Special Operations Forces Laser Acquisition Marker ) to report to the gunship AC-130 (called Reaper 3-1 ) and destroy the BTR-80 armored vehicles and sent to retake the airport.
Meanwhile, the second team of special forces AFO Wolfpack , is responsible for coordinating the support of fire and establish a shooting range in the outpost named Clementine. Infiltrated on board ATV camouflaged, Dusty and Deuce will track suspicious vehicles and will cover Panther and Vegas with the help of a Barrett M82 .
In the same valley in the meantime has established a headquarters, which affibbierà the various units to carry out military missions under the command of Colonel Drucker, directly under the command of General Flagg. The latter is uncertain drive capacities AFO, and not wanting to jeopardize his vehicle, he decided to send the units belonging to the 75th Ranger Regiment to conquer the valley.
The troops land at Ranger helicopters Chinook within the valley, with a mandate to kill all enemy troops. While the Rangers were preparing to organize a rocket RPG hits the Chinook in flight, causing him to crash to the ground. The Rangers will then be attacked by the Taliban, who have access to heavy machine-gun and mortar teams. Sergeant Patterson, Ybarra, Hernandez and Specialist Dante Adams will be sent to destroy the enemy artillery position, and make sure the ZA code named Betty . The DShK enemy will be destroyed after it is marked with the smoke from an air attack, but when the Rangers are going to liberate the ZA will be ambushed by enemy troops, coming down from the surrounding mountains to encircle them. After fighting heroically four feel doomed when the ammo is gone, but will be saved by the intervention of two Boeing AH-64 Apache that will scare off attackers.
Then we wear the clothes of Brad "Hawk" Hawkins, coopilota one of either the Apache, who, armed with unguided rockets Hydra 70 missiles AGM-114 Hellfire missiles and 30mm cannon emplacements destroy mortars, anti-aircraft and supplies enemies.
Deuce and Dusty are established on the heights of Shah-i-Kot armed with Barrett M82 with a mandate to eliminate the forces of Al-Qaeda lurking in the mountains nearby. But when the mines placed around the location of fire explode, the two will be forced to reject a hostile and violent wave along the top of the hills continuing to eliminate the enemy troops. After pointing out a small enemy position, Wolfpack will receive a request for support from Neptune, engaged in combat on the high ground adjacent. After covering the retreat of Neptune, chased by enemy troops, Wolfpack has completed his mission.
Neptune, pursued by a number of enemy fighters so high even for specialists, will be forced to make tactical maneuvers to descend the mountain retreat while Thakur Ghar. At the time of extraction air though, Voodoo and Preacher will be left behind, blocked by enemy fire. Rabbit and Mother will have to leave the area as the helicopter used as the extraction is under heavy fire, and the risk of being shot down. The same night the two Neptune will return to the peaks of Thakur Ghar to retrieve the other two SEALs missing. During the research, however, will miss several ambushes, and Rabbit will be hit by a bullet, then hurt during the escape, when he and Mother is lancieranno the slope to escape from enemies.
Colonel Dracker and General Flagg are then discussed. The first wants to send immediate reinforcements to retrieve the four missing soldiers in the mountains, while Flagg forbids him because you run the risk of losing another helicopter in an attempt to search. Tracker decides not to listen Flagg and closes the contact, and decided to send troops on the heights Ranger to retrieve Neptune.
Before the Chinook transport can make to have the Rangers on the snowy heights of the latter will be shot down in flight, and did crash into the ground. The losses are heavy from the first moment, when the SPC Dante Adams repel wave after wave of enemies with ' M134 Minigun in the vehicle. The four then (Patterson, Hernandez, Ybarra and Adams) will use the SOFLAM to report the machine gun to the F-15E in the group The Clash (Clash 0-1). At their meeting with the Neptune Voodoo and Preacher, the four will come across and Mother Rabbit, locked up in a torture chamber inside a cave. Rabbit will die despite the exhortations of his companions while the soldiers wait for the helicopter extraction. The game ends with two men drinking tea in the Middle East , will stand up shooting when an unknown person. This could not rule out the arrival of a sequel.
Medal of honor 2010 Was Developed by Danger Close Games and Published by Electronic Arts. Medal of honor 2010 was 13th Game of Medal of Honor Series. It Was Published by Electronic Arts in October 2010. Medal of honor 2010 Was Released for Windows, XBOX and Playstation, Medal of honor 2010 was Made on War in Afghanistan. Medal of honor 2010 Has Amazing New Weapons and Graphics. Medal of honor 2010 is a Single Player and Multi Player Game. You Can Play Medal of honor 2010 With Army of Different Countries. You Can Complete a Mission by Completing it’s Objective. You Can Download Medal of honor 2010 Free From Here Just Click on Download Link and Your Download Will be Start Automatically. If You Like Medal of honor 2010 Share it With Your Friends.
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Medal of Honor 2010 System Requirements
CPU: 2.4 GHz Core 2 Quad 6600 Q6600 Phenom II X3 720 2.8GHz
RAM Memory: 2GB
HDD Space: 20GB Free
Graphics Card: Video Level Ge-Force 8800 or Redeon HD 3850 512MB or Better
Sound Card: DirectX: 9.0c
DVD ROM with DirectX 10
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Article : Medal of Honor 4 Compressed PC Game Free Download 1.97GB
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